Get Involved

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Software Developers

Mixxx is written in C++ and uses the Qt platform library for most data structures, graphics drawing, and window handling. Fortunately, Qt is easy to use and very well documented, so you don't need any prior Qt or audio programming experience to start hacking on Mixxx.

Besides creating cool DJ software and working with a fun team, contributing to Mixxx also looks great on your resume or CV. It's also an ideal way to learn about real-time audio programming, Qt, or even just hone your C++ skills.

Start Developing Now
  • Introduce yourself to the community on our Zulip chat. Please do not ask for help using Mixxx on Zulip; use the forum for that instead.
  • Get a Github account and fork your own branch!
  • Pick a bug off our Easy Bugs List and start hacking!

    Fixed it? Your name will be in the Mixxx credits!
  • You don't even have to know C++. There are developers who got into Mixxx development while learning C++ along the way.
Development Cycle in a Nutshell
Mixxx Development Cycle
There are many ways to help out as a DJ:
  • Create or improve mappings for your controller.
  • Report bugs as you find them.
  • Help keep our Wiki up-to-date.
  • Support other DJs with their technical questions on the forums.
  • Promote Mixxx: Write an article about how you use Mixxx for your blog, or mention us when new releases come out. Any exposure on the web and in print helps our project grow, and is much appreciated!
  • Post some photos of you using Mixxx at a gig!

We're pleased to offer Mixxx in many languages. Our translations are entirely community provided, so we need your help to spread Mixxx with translations into more languages, as well as to update and ensure the accuracy of existing translations.

You can help translate by visiting our translations page. To get help when translating, visit the Mixxx Localization forum.

Graphic Artists

Make skins and share them on our forum.